Laser Deck Targeting

Laser through to Engine Room Bulk Head
Deck Targeting is an absolute requirement for some yachts to ensure the vessel is block on land in the same shape as in the water. Light weight vessels that do not have a strong keel structure will “hog” when picked up in the travel lift slings. If the yard crew blocks the vessel with this hog shape (higher at the sling points and lower on the ends) then any attempt to run an optical scope alignment will fail.
The answer is a laser deck target, double or triple beam. The laser is set while the vessel is in the water. Measurements and marks are made prior to haul-out. Once on land the blocking crew are instructed by High Seas to make blocking and jack-stand adjustments to recreate the measurements exactly.
Sometimes the laser needs to be raised up to shoot all the way to the forward engine room bulk head. A tripod gets the job done as seen in the photo.
This project will involve a complete engine alignment and running gear overhaul on an 87′ Oceanfast. This particular vessel is a full keel design and very rigid. The laser deck target showed that there was almost no flex or hogging during the haulout. It is great to know the vessel is blocked accurately so that we can proceed to the optical scope alignment and make changes to the engine or strut alignments if necessary.