Rudder Bearings – Loose and Leaking

Tides Lower Bearing and Seal Assembly
A past customer called with an emergency problem. His 61′ Queenship was taking on water from the rudder seals and needed to be hauled and serviced right away.
The system was an old version Tides rudder bearing and seal Type “D” and the problem was four-fold.
The old seals were worn.
The upper bearing in the shelf had come loose and was allowing too much play in the rudder stock.
The lower bearings were out of specification allowing too much rudder stock movement. Tides allows up to .025″ before replacement.
There were no spares on the rudder shaft to allow for temporary repairs.

Queenship 61' After Rudder Bearing Repair
After haul-out we dropped the rudders and inspected the bearings. The upper shelf bearings were in tolerance and OK once re-secured in the proper aligned position. The lower bearings required replacement since they were beyond the .025 wear specification from Tides Marine. Replacement was relatively simple with the Tides Type D system. The new bearing and seal assembly threads into the existing tube that is already glassed and bedded into the hull.
Final launch and check – dry bilges and solid rudders.